Scratch Map Backpacker Edition

Sale price£15.00 GBP


Lets face it we sometimes spend more time taking pictures and using our phones than taking in the ambience, the view, the experience. With Scrath Map Backpacker you can make a quick log of your travels, map your journey and spend more time doing what you're there for. Scratch Map™ Backpacker Edition is a detailed travel map with a top foil layer. Remove the foil as you travel to create a unique, personal record of where you’ve been. Printed on durable plastic, it’s writable, wipe-able and will stand up to the trials of travelling. The map features locations of the world’s capitals, major airports and even the seven wonders of the world.

This is a must have for all travel enthusiasts whether you are going on a year long adventure or just another weekend away. This map can go the distance and is the perfect travel companion.




  • Seven wonders of the world

  • Reverse for planning out your adventures

  • Copper-coloured foiling & marker pen

  • Wipe cloth

  • Elegant jute carry bag

  • Laminated for easy wipe-down and durability (travel-proof)



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